5 Ways To Control the Amtrak Acela Table Seats and Score a Four Banger
I recently took a trip to NYC for work. I always enjoy this ride where you can usually relax, get decent wifi, and maybe snag a seat with a table. It beats the hell out of driving, flying, and the express buses. Book one today!

During a recent trip when I jumped on a trip from Boston to NYC at a non-originating stop (Rte 128 vs South Station) — I learned how people spread out and claim 4 seats when they only pay for one. Amazing. A four-banger!
I haven’t yet tried these techniques yet — I just needed a seat and while I found someone to finally move, I noticed there are 5 common techniques starting with the most basic to the more advanced “empty-seat occupation strategies.”
- Sit in aisle seat — and stick a bag on the opposite seat. Basic stuff.
- Same as #1, but pretend to be sleeping.
- Pretend to put away overhead luggage with headphones on. Also stick a bag on the aisle seat across you. Just keep moving around and people will think you are busy and will be moving in your seat the whole time.
- Advanced variation: Same as #3, but talk loudly to someone on your phone.
- Spill Something or Eat Tuna (or something equally malodorous). While this may damage your short-term social capital, it does not require a bag on the opposite seat depending on severity of spill.
Next time — how you can ride on top of the train for free.